This is an approximate price list, for a quote please call us on 07791 741860
Sweep of a standard lined flue including any minor stove maintenance – from £60.00, discount available if multiple chimneys or with neighbours.
Open fire – £65.00
Bird nest removal – £75.00 (sweep included)
CCTV inspection – from £70.00- £150.00 (sweep included)
Tarred flues cleaned using a chemical Creaway treatment – £275.00 including a pre sweep.
Installation of a Woodburner/multi-fuel stove in a standard 2 storey property
Using 904 grade liner ( not the 316 rubbish which most retailers use. ) Lining the chimney from top to bottom suppling and fitting everything that is needed and signed off with Hetas £950.00
Opening up fire place and make good internals with render and front face patch plaster/filler (fit slate / granite hearth additional) £650.00
Twin wall flue systems fully fitted excluding the stove starting at £1600.00 for a bungalow and £2400.00 for a two storey property.